Early this week, I was quite entertained by these two amaze-balls.
A surprise from Nicki Minaj.
That’s 8-year old Sophia Grace and her cousin Rosie, 5 belting out Nicki Minaj’s Super Bass as painless as singing the ABC. Can you believe her energy? I almost die from a diabetic coma watching her. But hold it, now watch this.
Sophia & Rosie being interviewed by Ellen prior to the surprise.
Now how adorable is that? She sure speaks like a grown up! When I first watch Sophie’s video I was on an emotional ride, laughing and crying at the same time. I’m amazed how she could rap Super Bass in 2 days with aplomb! Sophia and Rosie remind me so much of myself and my cousin, 27 years ago.
I was everything Sophia is today, a ball of energy, always delighted, fearless, and talented. Nevertheless I was the crowd pleaser. And Rosie embodied what my cousin used to be, always the side kick, timid, reserved and constantly waiting for my approval to even speak.
How close I was to Sophia’s character, you might wonder, well here’s an instance. When I was four, I was a huge fan of Anuar Zain and Ellina, I memorized all their songs especially kain pelikat. So every time when relatives or my parents’ friends came over, I would put on a mini performance for them on my mom’s coffee table. In return I either received money or a trip to then, Kuching town (now Kuching city). As far as my schemata could recall, I savoured every moment, nervous-wreck wasn’t a term I’m associated with and I was feeling confident all the way. I knew they would be legion of fans who would cheer for me and one of them of course had to be mak.
But that was 27 years ago. The Sophia in me had long vanished. No more the first person to speak in a group, no more being a 100% peachy and secure. I turned into a side-kick. I must admit that Sophia’s attributes slipped away bit by bit as I grew up. I let my physique discontentment got the best of me, and consequently I perceived myself as not gifted, not worthy of a leader and deserve the second place, never the top spot. As I’m typing this entry my dear readers (if any), I am still struggling with my self-worth. I constantly feel that I don’t deserve anything. Unhealthy I know.
With all that emotional excess and self-esteem issues, I manage to gaze for that hint of joy; I find solace in other people’s happiness. I find them from my home upkeep, indulging in my cooking, from entertaining guests, taking care of my husband, attending my 11 kitties, shuffling through my iPod playlist and sometimes if I’m lucky I even find my happiness at work. I’m grateful that my daily routines really kept me occupied. And I pray hard that I could find a hint of consolation from blogging. So you might wonder now what happened to my timid cousin. Suffice to say that she’s very successful, a lawyer to be exact. That’s just how the world works, it rotates, flips, turn over; it changes. And I hope that one day I shall meet my version of Sophia again.
Now Sophia aside, another reason why am I blogging again because I want to document my sister’s pregnancy and to translate it from a sister’s point of view. As for now, my honest feeling towards her thus far is pure bliss. I am so happy that things work out so well with her after she tied the knot. She conforms the ‘barakkah’ after marriage where her ‘rezeki’ kept on pouring and all the good things keep on coming. She has made both mak and bapak very proud and at their utmost contentment. They’ve been waiting ages for this moment, and Alhamdulillah, with His grace, my sister completes the puzzle.
So guys don’t be fooled by the pregnancy ticker, it’s my sister’s not mine. *smiles*
Oh, and here's a video of Sophia and Rosie on a Toys'r'us shopping frenzy! Enjoy your long weekend peeps!
Lovely! (with a Hermione accent of course.)
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